Tom Ford Noir Extreme Cologne

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Make a statement without uttering a word with a touch of Tom Ford Noir Extreme. Light enough for casual occasions, the gym, or even a business lunch, this men's fragrance carries hints of mandarin orange, saffron and nutmeg for a hint of spice. First introduced in 2015, this men's fragrance from Tom Ford became an instant classic. This exceptional men's fragrance also carries notes of cardamom and neroli, and is ideal for wear any time of day.
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Tom Ford Noir Extreme

Tom Ford Noir Extreme

Tom Ford Noir Extreme

eau de parfum


2 sizes available

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4.3 Stars (51 Reviews)
Tom Ford Noir Extreme

Tom Ford Noir Extreme

Tom Ford Noir Extreme


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5.0 Stars (6 Reviews)
Tom Ford Noir Extreme

Tom Ford Noir Extreme

Tom Ford Noir Extreme

eau de parfum spray 3.4 oz & eau de parfum spray 0.33 oz mini

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Tom Ford has created his absolute best fragrance in Noir Extreme. It is elegant enough to go with a tuxedo to dinner, hauntingly fragrant to evoke comments wherever you go, unique enough to make people stop and ask what it is and so different it should be a feature for special occasions. And, best of all, it lasts a long time and does not fade. This is one of my top five scents of over 100 that I have owned and I recommend it very highly.

Written by Gskmd on September 16, 2016

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