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Vol De Nuit Perfume
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Reviews (8)
1 - 5 (of 8 Reviews)
My absolute favorite of all fragrances, but very hard to find now. Created (or at least named) for the French air pilots flying the mail to Algeria in the '20's and '30's, it captures that mystery of North Africa, Paris at its' peak in the Art Deco era, and a rather Oriental intensity! Great ! Men seem to like to wear it because of its' vigor, and rather woodsy bottom notes. Hard to say which Guerlain fragrance is the best, but I'd vote for this one...and the Deco bottle for the "extraite de Guerlain" is a little work of art...
5 StarsWritten by LeMonsieur on July 10, 2012
Vol de Nuit: I bought it in Hong Kong in a large department store, and I treasure it; I find it as mysterious and fascinating as the city itself. It's as though this jewel of a fragrance was created as a brilliant symbol to represent Hong Kong.
Written by Jane,Saugus MA on May 06, 2009
This was my grandmother's scent. She was always the picture of glamor and sophistication, so when I rediscovered it I was delighted, and hope that I can be as inspiring a grandmother.
Written by Addie on March 23, 2007
1 - 5 (of 8 Reviews)