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Introduced in 1997, Hot by Benetton is a daytime fragrance for women. The juicy citrus tones combine with a unique blend of oriental florals to create a feminine fragrance that will grab the attention of others without being overbearing. Hot is a light, clean fragrance that can be used when walking into the boardroom or meeting friends for lunch. Spray this daytime fragrance on the creases of your elbows and other pulse points for a scent that lasts all day long.

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Customer Reviews

It really smells like Chanel, just doesn’t have longevity like one.

Written by T on July 05, 2024

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Unbelievably close to Chanel scent!

Written by T on July 05, 2024

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Nice buy. Smells good!

Written by Lindy on July 09, 2022

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This smells so good! For the price, you’ll never regret buying it!

Written by Im hot! on March 18, 2021

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I think this an underrated gem, very elegant and classy and this is apparently a dupe for channel allure.

Written by Ketu on November 03, 2020

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.