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Iceberg Twice by Iceberg is a fresh fragrance for men that first hit fragrant waters in 1995. Suitable for daytime use, this scent is refreshing and wearable, thanks to the citrus and floral notes that swim side by side with base notes that are woody and spicy. Particularly suited to men who want to exude an air of self-confidence, this cologne should be splashed on in the morning to delight and refresh you throughout the day.

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Customer Reviews

I didn't like this fragrance its made for guys in the 40 plus age range

Written by Louisiana on January 05, 2014

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My husband ALWAYS gets compliments from friends and strangers. Been wearing it for years and resonably priced. He tried new scents but always goes back to this one.

Written by Anonymous on June 11, 2010

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Good stuff. Smells good and I especially like the price. Best worn in cooler temps.

Written by Anonymous on March 16, 2010

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This scent is great for day and night or anytime. It is so light and fresh. I receive so many compliments on it. I just love it.

Written by Amy from California on May 24, 2009

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i have been wearing iceberge twice for 10 years, and every time i put it on it is like the first time i ever wore it.

Written by tracey on November 12, 2008

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