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Customer Reviews
For L'Heure Bleue
by Guerlain
L'Heure Bleue is a notoriously elegant scent with It's sweet floral notes and a touch of vanilla. It is distinguished, alluring and captivating. It will transcend the barriers of time and will continue to be the signature fragrance of the young and the young at heart!
Written by Luzmarina on November 08, 2021
L’heure Bleue I hate it. I read about It in some novel and got curious. Will try to give it away. Sorry. Your service and prices are great. Will probably try Tabu next. I used to love it as a young girl and am curious to see what I would think of it now.
Written by Lois on January 06, 2020
Guerlain's L'Heure Bleue has been around for a very long time for a good reason -- it's a classic. For me, it's a classic day time scent. Light, vaguely floral - vaguely oriental. It's perfect for the office, as most perfumes are too obvious / too inappropriate for business women (if they want to be taken seriously). The eau de toilette spray makes is so easy in the morning -- just spritz it on, last thing before I leave the house. If I am going out to dinner, I might then apply the eau de parfum -- as it is more concentrated but as it is the same scent, it doesn't conflict with the remnants of my morning scent.
Written by Gloria Anchio on February 03, 2018
L'Heure Bleue. This fragrance is classic and old fashioned but at the same time girly and careless. Even mischievous. Could be good, but somehow it does not come together and something is missing. EDT does not last long. May be couple of Hours at most. It was reformulated some years ago and not an original formula. Feels like it's synthetic. Try to test it somewhere before you buy to be sure that you like it.
Written by Olga on September 19, 2015