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eau de parfum
Feel like a star at any time of day with the sweet fragrance of Hollywood from Fred Hayman. With this beautiful scent, you'll attract glances without leaving an overpowering aroma behind. Introduced in 1988, Hollywood is warm, yet crisp and fruity. Low woodsy notes add to the subtlety of the fragrance. Spritz on Hollywood perfume before going out for lunch with friends or any other casual occasion. Subtle but noticeable, this scent will make an impression wherever you go.

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Customer Reviews

I have been wearing Hollywood for about 16 years. I purchased a bottle last year and it smelled different. I plan to order another to see if it is different or maybe it was just that batch. I hope it has not been changed. I have enjoyed it all these years and would be sad to think they would mess it up by changing it.

Written by Michelle on December 15, 2021

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I really like the Fred Heyman fragrance they are all very nice very smooth smelling not loud or over bearing great to wear at work or in the evening

Written by DERRALL WILCOX on December 04, 2021

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Love it! Purchased 2 bottles wasn’t happy as they did not have the smell I’m use to. It said clearance don’t if that had anything to do with it

Written by Sharon on September 14, 2021

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Certain fragrances seem to just turn on me after so many years and just when I was about to give up hope, along came Hollywood. Amazingly beautiful and not the dreaded old lady scent as I anticipated, also very good silage and easy to hold bottle. Would recommend to all.

Written by Anonymous on May 04, 2021

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This is one of my Most Favorite. It's strong enough to be sweet and sweet enough to be strong. The scent last All day and I always get so many complements when I'm wearing it. I'll always return to my place in Hollywood!!!

Written by Glorice on February 06, 2021

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