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eau de parfum
Honeysuckle and jasmine create the perfect blend with vanilla, orange blossom, rose, and sandalwood in Arpege by Lanvin. This delicate and soft women's fragrance was introduced in 1927 and conveys a sense of elegance and beauty for daytime activities. The warm scents combine to create a fragrance that is equal parts feminine and confidence. Splash Arpege onto your skin in the morning before heading into the office and enjoy the instant surge of energy and femininity that will last the whole day.

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Customer Reviews

Very beautiful fragrance, clean, musky, and aldehydic. Has the similar DNA of Chanel NO. 5, but a bit softer and not as sharp, and slightly sweeter. I enjoy wearing this to bed.

Written by Davian on December 26, 2024

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My mother wore Arpege. I would sneak a bit and apply after she went to work...it. is such an exquisite scent. I smelled better than anyone at school!!!!!Ka

Written by Kathy Reinke on November 13, 2024

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My mother wore this and I fell in love with the distinct, powdery fragrance ever since than. I've worn it through the years and never get tired of it.

Written by It's a Classic on October 05, 2024

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I've been wearing Arpege' for 44 years! I'm now 62 but in 1980 as a senior in high school I worked at a place called Goldblatts, as a young girl they put me in, of all places, the mens department! I worked nights with a wonderful 'older' woman and every night when she came to work she would walk by to 'punch' in and her perfume would just linger, long after she walked by. One night I got up the courage to ask her what her perfume was.......she looked around and then whispered to me....Honey I'll tell you but no one else....Arpege'. The rest for me is history. It's a beautiful scent that I have found is one of the few left out there that has 'staying' power, you can still smell it the next day!

Written by Anonymous on September 23, 2024

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

This is a mature scent. I was disappointed with this perfume,

Written by CM on September 20, 2024

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