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Customer Reviews
I've been wearing Arpege' for 44 years! I'm now 62 but in 1980 as a senior in high school I worked at a place called Goldblatts, as a young girl they put me in, of all places, the mens department! I worked nights with a wonderful 'older' woman and every night when she came to work she would walk by to 'punch' in and her perfume would just linger, long after she walked by. One night I got up the courage to ask her what her perfume was.......she looked around and then whispered to me....Honey I'll tell you but no one else....Arpege'. The rest for me is history. It's a beautiful scent that I have found is one of the few left out there that has 'staying' power, you can still smell it the next day!
Written by Anonymous on September 23, 2024