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eau de parfum
The sweet, tropical and woody fragrance of Ajayeb Dubai Portrait is an enthralling scent for women and men from the design house of Lattafa Perfumes. Launched in 2023, this perfume opens with refreshing hints from lemon and orange, while the heart is filled with notes from jasmine, osmanthus and mango. The base is filled with notes from musk, amber, oud and sandalwood.

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Customer Reviews

This fragrance took me though many differrnt emotiona whrn i first sprayed it. Its not like any other fragrance i have tried. Nice fragrence.

Written by VH on December 06, 2024

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I am very happy that I purchased this fragrance. It definitely smells "green" to me. It reminds me of when I take fresh Cypress in my hands and rub them together. I think of fresh, mowed grass and cucumber. It reminds me of a more mellowed take on Clinique aromatics elixir. It has an earthy dry down and has pretty good longevity as well. I will definitely reorder it again when I run out.

Written by TLF on October 18, 2024

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It's too bad I don't liked

Written by Osmar Beltran Espinosa on October 11, 2024

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I really wanted to like this perfume. I tried letting it macerate but my opinion remains the same. It smells like green bitter fruit. Do not recommend.

Written by Evelyn on October 06, 2024

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It is not hitting me right at the moment, but I am going to trust the process and the rave reviews and let it mascerate for a month. It is too complex and overwhelming now.

Written by Anonymous on August 04, 2024

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