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Customer Reviews

JHAG, how do you do it?! This perfume is an absolute enigma! When first sprayed, it really smells like vintage lipstick. Give it 20 minutes and it dries down to the most sultry, woodsy, vanilla goodness. Literally like nothing I've ever smelled before and I have a 6 ft curio cabinet filled with perfume. I'm not a fan of "airy" scents, so if you are I would not recommend purchasing this one. But for the ladies who aren't afraid to try something different, definitely pick this one up!

Written by Alexandria Z on January 02, 2025

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This is horrible

Written by Nope on December 19, 2024

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Love this smell - the first perfume I've ever bought. It's feminine and a little woodsy. Doesn't overpower but lingers delicately throughout the day.

Written by Kdgems on September 07, 2023

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