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Tell us in detail what you liked or did not like about this product - What did it smell like to you? Was it long lasting? Would you recommend it to a friend? Tell us everything!
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Customer Reviews

Best perfume ever! Smells amazing and get many compliments from it

Written by NiyaB on December 27, 2024

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This smell amazing it last a good while really fresh scent I received lots of compliments. Worth the buy and it last a long time still on my clothes after couple days.

Written by Moors on September 08, 2023

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First time buying from this webpage- I normally love love love this perfume- This time however it isn't as strong and smells a little different. I sometimes wonder if perfume gets old and loses its potency. Im not really sure. This is my experience ordering from here, remember everyone is different. Not sure I will ever order from them again. I like being able to walk into a store and switch it out if it isnt what I expected-

Written by Kelli on November 11, 2022

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3 of 4 people found this review helpful.