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Customer Reviews

Very disappointed in this “fragrance”. Smells like a recently put out cigar. I really wanted to like this but I can’t find anything about it that I like. Huge regret.

Written by No Discernible Leather on March 26, 2022

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My favorite leather fragrance outside of Tom Ford. Heavy, sharp animalic leather tannins cut with some hints of citrus and licorice with a musk like undertone. As strong as this is, I'm sure it would be off putting for some and it's definitely not a well rounded, all occasion type scent but I'm a big fan.

Written by FordKnox on March 19, 2022

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This is a unique fragrance, smell like cigar, leather, wood a very stronger scent, I love it in a cool weather with a leather jacket, ufff the Boss is arrive.

Written by Misael Rivera on October 13, 2021

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This cologne is it very unique, for people that smoke cigar it is a very masculine tabaco wood leather but very strong , I really love it, in a cool weather with a leather jacket ufff the boss in here.

Written by Misael Rivera on October 13, 2021

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