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Customer Reviews

I really enjoy this one it’s very different it’s almost barbershop like. It’s very smooth! It’s a very warm and inviting scent definitely it’s definitely a more mature scent. It’s a summer and winter scent I quite like it! It’s definitely worthy of a blind buy if you like green and darker scents. The bottle is epic too it looks like an emerald!!! Grab this while you can this is so overlooked!

Written by Max Lee on July 12, 2024

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I like it , it took a minute for me to get liking it but as I ware it I enjoy it more It's a sweet yet green sent its classy It's a nice night out sent I like my sents to have more of a bang but this has a unique subtle appeal I haven't smelled anything similar , I like it so I gave it 4 stars perfumer did a good job on making this one with an attractive sent profile.

Written by Gangster Nemph It's a Tribe Thing on January 01, 2022

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