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Customer Reviews

I am addicted to this scent. I am on my fourth bottle. I spray a little on my pillow every night, makes for a restful night. It’s light and refreshing, very clean. It has a staying power through out the day of about 4-5 hours.

Written by Neal Barnhill on December 29, 2024

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This smells -amazing-. I already love pretty much every Bvlgari cologne, but this one stands out for sure. This one will definitely be a frequent use. Woodsy but not overpowering, a hint of botanical/floral, overall very well blended.

Written by Andy on August 21, 2023

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Great fragrance!! Very fresh, vigorous and lasts all day long. I’d buy it from my husband and I love the smell!!

Written by Smell delicious on August 20, 2023

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As for me i will give it a 7 out of 10 because it doesn't last long. It smells fresh, and clean but the longevity is not quite all that.

Written by Anonymous on August 09, 2021

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