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Customer Reviews

Very fresh and light. For the summer. Love it! Doesn’t las ver long but it is so light it’s fine to reapply throughout day without over powering.

Written by Donna on July 20, 2024

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It has a fresh and clean scent. It doesn't last long, like a few hours for me. I'll probably keep it at my studio to freshen up. Nice smell though.

Written by Mitch on November 06, 2022

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Smells good, very fresh….buts lasts like 10 minutes.

Written by Anonymous on May 20, 2022

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Smells great on me. I receive a lot of complements when I wear any of the CK One line of products. However, like someone else stated, this one does not last that long. On a good day it may be 4 hours before I have to reapply a dab or two. Unlike CK Gold which lasts all day on me.

Written by Lena in NC on January 04, 2022

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Smell fresh and clean, last 10 minutes, I’m not recommending it to anyone

Written by Kevin on May 21, 2021

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