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eau de parfum
The woody, sweet and floral fragrance of Cinderella is an outstanding scent for women. At the beginning are notes from neroli, raspberry and Italian tangerine. The heart is fresh with notes from orange blossom and jasmine, while the base is filled with hints from sandalwood, marshmallow, vanilla and heliotrope.

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Customer Reviews

Let's start The box was a simple blue box nothing extraordinary about it. It was a cheap box . The shoe is pretty. The smell is horrible. It's not for a little girl old, young lady maybe a older grandma like 65 but I don't think my mom would even wear this it smells so bad. I don't know what the other ladies were smelling. I got it based on reviews not a safe blind buy. It's smells old and it's not a nice fragrance it's not fresh fruity I get chemical smell only

Written by Kaye C on October 15, 2024

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Arrived in a beautiful display box. I almost didn’t want to open it. Light floral and perfect for a day date.

Written by JennMas on November 23, 2023

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So first thing, the bottle is stunning. It’s just beautiful. The fragrance is interesting, I feel like it’s aquatic with florals. Normally I’m not a big fan of floral scents, but this is an interesting scent. Quite light.

Written by Crystal on November 29, 2022

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