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Customer Reviews

I got sample of this scent in the mail and instantly fell in love with it. It smells so clean and just how I like it. I get compliments all day at work. Even the sample lasts for at least 5 hours. I figured I better get the regular size because the sample is gone!! Lol!

Written by Jessica Williams on July 28, 2021

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I got this once in my body charm order. I LOVE THIS PERFUME!!! This is the cheapest place I have been able to find it. It smells exactly the way it should. It is such a clean scent, but also smells unlike any other perfume I've had. I always get compliments on this. It smells cozy and clean. If my laundry really smelled this way, I would be in heaven. This is 100% my favorite. Would always recommend.

Written by Krystal on May 26, 2021

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3 of 3 people found this review helpful.