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Customer Reviews
by Bond No. 9
Meh. I wouldn't purchase again. I read the Bond No. 9 description and now I can't get that description out of my head. I don't want to smell like sun-kissed skin at the beach and toes in the sand. That description sound disgusting to me. Yes, this was a blind by. I'm going to have to mix this with another fragrance. Smh.
Written by Anonymous on December 14, 2021
Bond No 9 Jones Beach is an absolutely beautiful fragrance. You have to spray on your skin in order for the fragrance to evolve into the beauty that it is. The top note is not my favorite but once the scent blends with your chemistry it is so beautiful!!! Invokes feelings of happiness, fun and relaxation... Longevity is 10+ hours. Happy summer in a bottle!
Written by Chrissy on June 24, 2020