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Customer Reviews

This is a great bargain for the all day sweetness of this body mist! I get compliments all the time when I am wearing this and it’s so inexpensive and makes you feel invigorated and beautiful! If you like, sweet, sophisticated, blissful, and a warm happy smell, definitely by this fragrance! You won’t be disappointed!! I love it!

Written by Mo on August 07, 2023

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Sweet sunrise by body fantasies is a wonderful fragrance. It starts off with sweet citrus overtones like mandarin oranges, dries down to a flowery finish, and stays as a subtle noticeable light springtime aroma. Of the three "Body Fantasies" scents I ordered, this is definitely my favorite. It is a wonderful cologne for both day and night.

Written by Tigress Miller 5758 on May 15, 2020

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