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Customer Reviews
True story: I had my nine year old out with me a store and we swung by the fragrances. She loved this thing. I thought it was cute, so I ordered it. My wife went nuts over it. Don't listen to the fragrance community snobbery. This thing is very appealing and the edt is very versatile. Good investment. Smells nothing like the other spicebombs though. Not at all. Very citrus sweet, rich, and a tad fresh spicy.
Written by Your Mother's Favorite Guy to Smell on April 09, 2022
This is the most unique or different of the Spicebomb fragrances. My wife likes it the most out of my 15 or so fragrances. It wears off a little quickly in the heat. Smells sweet and unlike anything else in my collection. I recommend it. It is sweet, sensual, and heavy with some fresh fruity smells.
Written by Chris on March 17, 2022
A good fragrance, it smells delicious, that sweet tone makes the eyes turn towards you. I bought it blind and I do not regret why the compliments have been so many. I am Fragrance Collectors and this one did not have it. I recommend it 100%
Written by Spicebomb NIGTH VISION.THE BEST on December 16, 2021