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Customer Reviews

beautiful. absolutely my new warm weather fragrance. it diffuses so beautifully.

Written by jordan on January 04, 2024

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Smells amazing I love it the scent lasts all day for me this is just a great perfume

Written by Anonymous on August 05, 2023

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Best fragrance I have ever had. Light and not too much. I love putting it on in the morning. I have almost gone though an entire bottle in 3 months.

Written by LOVE IT on April 25, 2022

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I agree, a lighter version of aqua Dick Gioia. Love it! 1 or 2 sprays is all you need to last all day. It dries down to the perfect musk with the hint of light floral. Perfect for day or night.

Written by Liz on April 23, 2022

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I'm a groupie of Gorgio Armani's perfume and I have to say that this is my less favorite of the ''di Gioia'' collection. The smell is strong, unpleasant, and the floral scent is overpowered. This scent will make you feel older.

Written by Cyane on September 06, 2021

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