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eau de parfum

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Customer Reviews

Gental flowery perfume, very light. Perfect for day time. Not very long lasting. Bought because got on big sale. Absolutely overpriced. Beautiful box.

Written by Vija on July 18, 2024

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This perfume takes on so many personalities during wear, and I love every one of them. It goes on bold and powerful, but not overwhelming. I can't describe my first impression in scent notes, but I can describe it as "wow"! I couldn't stop sniffing my shirt and arm where the perfume hit. Once the initial spray settles, a sexy business woman shows up. This is the boss B in the office. About the 2nd hour, my granddaughter actually walked up to me and commented how she likes this perfume. After a more few hours (yes, it's that long lasting), another personality showed up; this one saying I'm confident, feel good and I know I'm "all that". This is where the perfume takes on a scent that reminds me of a softer version of OUD Satin Mood. That's a win-win situation for me, because that's one of my favorites as well.

Written by Steph S. on July 16, 2021

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