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Customer Reviews

I absolutely love this perfume. It's so exciting. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!

Written by Renna Trejo on November 17, 2024

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I think that Juicy Couture Rah Rah Rouge is one of this line's more underappreciated scents. I get a really nice vanilla with a soft undertone of quality musk, more of a clean white musk and not a dirty anamalitic type musk, and all the while a lovely array of fruity scents wafting in and out. It's sweet but not sickeningly sweet or cloying. It changes as I wear it, and it seems like it sparkles, almost like a delightful fizzy sensation like Amo Feragamo does, but I like this so much better than Amo. I bought a second roller ball as a backup. I have yet to see this as a full size, and if I did, I would probably snatch it up.

Written by Perfume Collector on August 25, 2023

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One of the best smeeling perfume..people pass and stop and ask what is it...i had to show them exactly it was they screen shotted it...

Written by Perfume lover on December 02, 2021

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.