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Customer Reviews

Really like black gold.

Written by StayFresh! on March 13, 2024

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Not what I expected... I don't hate it.. but if anything it reminds me of a light powdery old lady perfume for men...

Written by one3one on September 03, 2023

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Manceras black gold is a beautiful scent...a true depiction of artistry in fragrance.... the scent itself transports the imagination to many different places a form of expression unmatched in sophistication, elegance and quality...

Written by Dogman on May 15, 2020

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Amazing scent it's everything you want in a men's fragrance fresh a little sweet n dark for the ladies sexyyyyy as heck. Just give it time to develop it's a winner in my book. Saty safe all

Written by Carlito NYC on May 08, 2020

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Muy buena eleccion, una fragancia un poco difícil en su salida se puede decir que un poco molesta una lavanda muy intensa pero sobretodo muy fina. En su secado, comienza la magia, una transformación fabulosa comienzan a salir sus notas obscuras amaneradas, y un exquisito cuero, la hace muy elegante, y fina. Para uso en otoño e invierno en la noche, para el día demasiado pesada.

Written by Cromo on December 14, 2019

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.