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Customer Reviews

Absolutely amazing scent - clean, elegant, and sophisticated freshy! lasts about 6hrs. I was watching a movie @ the theater and I kept getting hints of aqua celestia even my girlfriend kept smelling it. This is a great EVERYDAY scent for the warmer months.

Written by Charlie on July 10, 2022

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This is the type of scent that I've always loved and been completely attracted to. It's cool rather than warm. It's watery and aquatic. It's serene and peaceful and can be either feminine or masculine so it works for everyone. It's just crisp and gentle and so good. The citrus gives it a bit of bite and makes it so it's not sweet. The only thing that I need to test is to see if it goes with my body chemistry, since sometimes aquatic scents don't go well and turn into wet dog. Hopefully this one doesn't.

Written by KyndKrystal on February 06, 2021

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Lasting smell so good many compliments

Written by Aqua celestia on January 23, 2021

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Pretty basic scent... leans a little feminine too, not my cup of tea, i ended gifting it to my lady.

Written by John on December 26, 2019

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Maison Francis Kurkdjian Aqua Celestia - what an amazing scent, unlike any other I have tried! I usually wear DKNY Pure Verbena and get tons of compliments! I decided to try this after receiving a sample. I have received even MORE compliments on this scent! And it is unusual so not that many people have this. I have a hard time selecting scents that do not become too over powering.

Written by Dee on December 08, 2019

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