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Customer Reviews

Woody notes, powdered/sawdust notes with hints of varnish and a faintly rank green forest floor. There's a faint screamy wood note that most will not detect, giving a tiny vibe of rubbing alcohol, but the main feel is cumin and wood with rosin in there. Interesting scent. Some days I hate it and some days I love it. I would call it unisex, as it has no lean whatsoever, male or female, but instead is more of a mood of that hot cumin, dark woods and varnish.

Written by Tessture on October 19, 2021

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Not what I was expecting and not in a bad way. Tried the travel spray and then splurged on the entire bottle. It is a perfect unisex fragrance. Woody, resinous, warm and lingering. Perfect for Fall and Winter - warm weather might not work with this one. Reminds me of a woodworking shop and the smell of fresh sawn pine. There is also a spicy/smoky quality as well.

Written by AnonGA on October 02, 2021

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Excellent fragrance - getting lots of compliments

Written by S88 on June 01, 2019

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