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Customer Reviews

It is very nice, sweet, but at the same time very light scent. Stays on for a few hours. Good for everyday, day or evening time. However, it would be better for the older women, late 40.s maybe. Not for young girls, I would say. Overall it is very nice scent.

Written by Anastasia on June 30, 2023

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I'm absolutely Ga-Ga over this fragrance right now! Soft, sweet, sensuous, yet bright and light, with a big, bubblegum tuberose, voluptuous jasmine, and creamy, fruity, banana ylang. The violet leaf opening adds a lovely garden fresh dimension, while the base is softly musky, but not powdery, and the scent stays floral all the way through. Fantastic silage and longevity too. Just love this!

Written by Ana on July 19, 2021

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This is beautiful, a lighter version of McQueen without the pepper note. This is a very fresh floral. A successful blind buy. I think this is work appropriate (if it isn't oversprayed, of course).

Written by Ashlee on August 20, 2020

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