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Customer Reviews

I love this fragrance. My husband restocks this for me every year. Its sexy, not too strong but "rich" smelling. It goes well with my body chemistry. I can't smell it after awhile, but others can and it lingers onto my clothing. Not a fragrance that I have noticed on anyone, so I smell different. My cousin says she knows when I'm around because she knows the perfume scent (in a good way)

Written by Anonymous on December 29, 2021

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Chick and refined, smooth with an edge, timeless scent. I would say for someone 25 and up

Written by Elegant and refined on April 10, 2021

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Lalibela by Memo Paris is a Chypre Floral fragrance. WOW! This stuff is indeed divine, what I'm getting in huge amounts are a dark and dirty rose and thick, heavy incense, with excellent sillage. The notes are orchid, Rose, Jasmine absolute, Oil of Indonesian patchouli, Rockrose absolute, Vanilla, Tobacco absolute, Frankincense, Labdanum resin. The Christian city of Lalibela in Ethiopia is shrouded in mystery. Legend has it that angels came down from heaven to build its twelve churches, hewn from the rock, in a single night, in the 12th century. Lalibela is the scent of joyous fervor.

Written by MP on August 02, 2018

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