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Customer Reviews
by Montale
I LOVE this scent. Lots of patchouli and musk undertones. Smells awful when you first spray it but after a few minutes on the skin you get this wonderful understated musky scent. I suspect more men than women wear this because it is not flowery at all but i truly love this scent and have introduced it to a few female friends who also like it.
Written by Joan P. on December 07, 2021
Montale Paris Black Musk was purchased because I have nothing with that perfuming profile. Soft, smooth and just darned good. Definitely unisex. It smells like nothing else on the market... as far as I can tell. I put it on my wrist so I can just lift my arm to get a noseful of happy smells for the day. When I don’t want to push an odorous punch or smell like an Aventus clone, I wear this. Thank you Montale.
Written by Peter T. on June 11, 2020