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Customer Reviews

Beware ... I have purchased two different Montale fragrances including Patchouli Leaves ... both smell GREAT, but they are sooo intense that after spraying just one spray, just one spray, it is like being pepper sprayed for the first 2-3 hours ... eyes water, coughing constantly ... too bad, I loved how they smell

Written by Anonymous on August 17, 2023

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Received this through my Purple Lux subscription and absolutely love it! Long lasting and a true Patchouli scent, with a sweet vanilla dry down underneath. I was recently stopped by an older gentleman who wanted to know what scent I was wearing. He said he had never smelled anything like it and wanted to buy some for his wife. Wish I could afford to buy a full bottle!

Written by Susan Kaster on March 07, 2023

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Ever since I first encountered Patchouli Leaves I have been in love with it. The strong patchouli opening notes intoxicate me. The warmth of a sunny day in a cedar lined rose garden pops into my fantasy as I enjoy the changing olfactory delight clear thru to the delightful finish after the dry down. The lingering scent on my skin is sensual. My signature perfume for many years! Always compliments when I am wearing it.

Written by Rue' W Lam on January 07, 2021

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One of my favorite patchouli fragrances! Dry and ambery vanilla backed by rich and dark patchouli. Projects well and lasts forever. A must try if you enjoy a good amber or patchouli note.

Written by Anonymous on November 04, 2020

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Love this atomizer...my favorite scent is Montale.....

Written by Sharon on May 23, 2020

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