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Customer Reviews

Took me by surprise! Notting Hill is definitely one of my favs, I’ve never heard of English Laundry. If you try it, I hope you enjoy a clean fresh scent.

Written by Elena Giannini on February 14, 2020

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Received a sample of this recently and loved it. It's one of my new favorites. Love this! Strong scent but not overpowering. Perfect.

Written by Susan on March 28, 2018

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You may question how you missed this, I sprayed it on from a gift set with 3 other kinds of colonge from English Laundry. Good heavens, no-one may be more surprised than me that I smell this supremely clean, please consider this brand it’s like clean and crisp, and superb. The only thing is they don’t last as long as their designers but those to notes are invigorating.

Written by Fullofchoices. on March 10, 2018

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.