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Customer Reviews

Hate to be a joy kill, but the test / batch that is sitting in the warehouse is old stale. I had the operator confirm it been sitting there. Also the percentage of oil was next to none = i compared it with a sample it got from NM recently and their new tester. As soon as i sprayed it one. it didn't last for more than 10minutes and the oil sheen you normally get was not visible. I asked for a exchange but they didn't have that options. I wondered why.

Written by Stale, don't purchase - Batch been in the warehouse for a while - comfirmed with operator. on December 07, 2021

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I can't believe there is no reviews on pure white, it's soo fresh and makes you feel like a million dollars, one if my favorite colognes that you'll still smell the next morning

Written by Amazing smell on June 14, 2021

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This is legit Pure White Cologne. New box, atomizer was not primed so that means it was new. This is a very crisp and elegant fragrance that can be worn year round. Money well spent. My fiancé, whom i bought this for, absolutely loves it. We agree it leans slightly more feminine but it is still unisex.

Written by Tony D on March 22, 2021

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