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Customer Reviews

Mancera Aoud Black Candy is a gorgeous, grown up scent! It last all day, and gets better as the day wears on. Love it!

Written by Andrea - New Orleans, LA on June 25, 2021

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I love this fragrance! It a fresh sweet aroma on my skin I love the this is definitely signature scent worthy!

Written by Jae on April 08, 2021

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.

I love this fragrance! It a fresh sweet aroma on my skin I love the this is definitely signature scent worthy!

Written by Jae on April 08, 2021

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Es un olor intenso pero delicioso, dura todo el día, aunque se inclina más para ser usado por los hombres.

Written by Malen Lopez on June 13, 2020

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I just got this perfume this morning it was a blind buy im so happy is sweet i smell strong coffe a bit of rose kind of like montale intense caffe but way more coffe in it i put it on and could not smell it on me so i was worried it was honna be a skin scent after an hour i left my house and they guy at at gas station said he loved my perfume he was far from me and was able to smell it then at night i got another complement so i guess it has great projection and pleasant for people around you stays on all day great for fall warm and yummy

Written by Mack on November 02, 2018

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4 of 4 people found this review helpful.