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Customer Reviews
by Prada
This stuff smells BOMB! I have tried three of the Prada fragrances (Luna Rossa, Luna Rossa Black and now Luna Rossa Sport) and although I have liked all of them I enjoy the Black and Sport the most but Sport is definitely my new favorite. If you like or have tried the Luna Rossa Black version then you will definitely like this one because it smells very similar to the Black version but with its own twist. Also, I am not sure if it is simply my skin that is the issue or what but this one (Sport) lasts WAY longer on my skin! I give this a 10 out of 10! So good! I would consider this a safe blind buy but then again... it is very expensive.. so maybe try the sample size first! Love this stuff. Thanks FragranceNet.
Written by Mohsen on July 21, 2024