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eau de parfum

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Customer Reviews

Gypsy Wayer by Byredo is a wonderful scent. Just expensive… but one of my favorites.

Written by Susan on January 27, 2025

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Wasn't a huge fan. Very soft scent, and for the price, I'd certainly like something with a lot better projection and much better smelling. Too feminine for me. (Flowery)

Written by JoJo on January 10, 2025

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Gypsy Water is a beautiful fragrance. I love the top, heart and dry down. All are quite different and truly a treat for the senses. It starts with sharp pepper and juicy bergamot. Initially it reminds me just a smidge of a refined Mochino Fnny. Fully developed its a sophisticated, unique floral. It’s so pretty I want everyone to smell it. Unfortunately it doesn’t project well even on moisturized skin applied to pressure points. I think it’s worth the hype.

Written by Heather on October 17, 2024

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This scent is amazing! Its the perfect blend of masculine and feminine and get compliments when i wear it. I will buy again!

Written by Erika on September 25, 2024

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This perfume is woodsy and fruity. It smells like fresh cut grass with lemon and lime. I really like it but the scent diminishes quickly. It was pretty expensive and I was hoping to use it for special occasions but it's actually more of an everyday fragrance.

Written by DangerBaby on October 22, 2021

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