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Customer Reviews
This is a beautiful fragrance with a depth that's almost indescribable. I wore this years ago when first introduced and loved the way the scent slowly closed down to those deep notes. Tuberose and Patchouli - sneaking through are favs. I really appreciate that this fragrance is long lasting on me, not too strong at all, yet you will carry it with you as you walk across a room in a restaurant or even when I get out of my car in the parking lot and a breeze flows by. I get asked by many as to what fragrance I am wearing, especially noticed by men. I recently re-purchased (2024) a new bottle of X spray perfume, since I had totally forgotten how much i loved it. My biggest complaint with many of the newer niche fragrances I have purchased is that they just do not have the silage; there is no fragrance staying power. I am back to "X" as one of my all time favorite signature scents.
Written by Linda C. on July 02, 2024
I've read that this perfume has been reformulated. If that is true, it would explain why the sillage is gone, it smells different, has less staying power and it's certainly not elegant - at least that was my experience with my recent purchase.
Written by cali on May 17, 2024
This has slowly but surly became my signature. I love the high quality milkey, peachy , lactonic fruity patchouli scent . Alluring , sophisticated and sexy in my opinion. It’s Gucci Rush but much more smooth and natural smelling , top quality for sure.
Written by Verena on July 17, 2023