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Customer Reviews

had high hopes for this fragrance but sadly I was disappointed. The fragrance smelled like Off Mosquito Repellent or maybe Raid bug spray???I truly hated it and i am sad because i love pear notes. This particular perfume gave m about 20% pear and 80% bug spray ...

Written by Anonymous on July 25, 2024

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Wild Pear is a gorgeous fragrance, most Montale fragrances open strong and keep that energy so literally, less is better! One spray on my front and one on my back, keeps me in everyone's nose for HOURS!! I'm talking, 8+ hours in a restraunt where we have a full smoker going 25/8; I'm the best smelling thing in the building!! It's of course pear, and some floral and musk scents, body chemistry is also a huge factor but overall, you dont have to be a perfumista to know this is a wonderfully classy and expensive scent!

Written by Passionate4Perfume on November 23, 2020

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