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eau de parfum
The perfect fragrance for a modern woman with classic sensibilities, Signature by Coach conveys a sense of timeless sophistication. Introduced in 2010, it greets you with the luscious scent of fresh citrus and guava, and the delicate fragrances of lily, and jasmine. It finally settles down into earthier base notes of wood and vanilla. Treat yourself to a fragrance that combines the mysterious allure of vintage aromas with modern fruity accents. Choose Signature by Coach the next time you need to make an elegant first impression.

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Customer Reviews

Smell nice and last all day

Written by Sbrown on January 16, 2025

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Beautiful, clean, classy. Works best in summer, is excellent in high heat. Citrusy, so it won't last long, but I don't mind overspraying at under $50 for 100ml.

Written by Mona1015 on November 01, 2024

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My absolute favorite!! Always get compliments when I wear this! It’s perfect!!

Written by Jane C. on October 28, 2024

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It smells a lot like honeysuckle. A nice scent that isn't over powering. Good for spring and summer. I get compliments on this one.

Written by Anonymous on October 01, 2024

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If I could afford it I would buy bottle after bottle currently I have a couple squirts left I love this fragrance so much that my aunt went and bought it to. I can't explain how it smells but it's amazing

Written by JustBe on August 10, 2024

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