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The best men's colognes exude masculinity, sophistication, and sensitivity, and Jacomo Silver is without a doubt one of them. Created by the Jacomo design house, this fragrance features a wonderful blend of patchouli and sandalwood. A hint of citrus and crisp greens sharpens the scent and enhances the aura of freshness. Lauded for its ability to last the entire day, Jacomo Silver is recommended for casual, everyday use. This great cologne was first introduced in 2007.

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Customer Reviews

Jacomo "Silver" to me smells identical to Kanon's Norwegian Wood, a woodsy blonde wood fragrance with hints of white musk and amber. Very Scandinavian. Actually, quite a lovely fragrance. Longevity and sillage are above average. This would make a great signature fragrance. A+!

Written by Frag Aficionado on September 28, 2020

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This fragrance is not bad. It's very light and fresh and smells very good.

Written by H. Cherry on July 27, 2020

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Jacomo For Men smells great! It is unique, although it smells very similar to Norwegian Wood by Kanon. I love it!

Written by Frag Aficionado on April 13, 2020

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