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Customer Reviews
by Cartier
I have never smelled anything like this perfume before. It is woodsy, floral and very slightly sweet all at once at the same time. It is definitely a fragrance that people will ask about. One of my aunts wore this when I was a child. I definitely remember it.
Written by rachel262003 on November 02, 2021
I thought I was ordering La Panther as I wear that scent very well and get nice compliments However somehow I ordered lLa Baiser Instead.. I am very disappointed with this as the scent does not last after a few minutes. I have t ested it with others and they agree the scent does not last like Le Panther others Carolee
Written by Carolee on September 06, 2021
Loved the fragrance. Its soft, unique and smelled it the next day. It was much lighter than the initial spray, but overall still a beautiful scent. I would wear this any time of day & any season.
Written by Anonymous on November 22, 2020