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Customer Reviews

Hermes d'Orange Vert is my favorite warm weather scent. It is an elegant way to refresh oneself any time of day.

Written by Anonymous on April 16, 2013

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Bought this for my husband. Just LOVE the smell!

Written by Anonymous on August 14, 2012

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I avoided scents for men for years because they all smelled like a chem lab. Was given a bottle of Hermes Vert as a gift and was hooked. Finally a man's cologne for adults!

Written by HMM on April 02, 2011

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I am female in my early 50s and absolutely love this scent. Think it is truly unisex and has a very Summery, sporty aroma

Written by Anonymous on March 05, 2011

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A refreshing, all purpose fragrance that does not bow to the whims of fashion.

Written by Anonymous on June 08, 2010

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