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Customer Reviews
For Y
Y is MY fragrance. My dad bought me my first bottle for Christmas when i was 15. I've worn it now for 30 years. I heard it was being discontinued a couple of years ago, I went crazy n bought every bottle I could find. The body products are gorgeous, which I still have a few. Such a fresh, clean unique scent
Written by Sharon from Perth WA on November 29, 2014
I have worn the Y fragrance by Yves Saint Laurent since 1968 when my boss gave a bottle to me at Christmas. He was associated with Yves Saint Laurent and brought the fragrance back with him on his trips to France. I was truly sorry when it was no longer available in the department stores after my departure from his firm. I am glad it is still available on FragranceNet.
Written by Gloria W. on September 16, 2014
I have been wearing Y by Yves Saint Laurent for many years. I love the sweet, flowery, and feminin scent of Y. It lasts a long time without being overpowering and I constantly get compliments on how good I smell!!
Written by Lili M., California on April 27, 2014
I almost hate writing this review because I think of Y as my personal scent. My first bottle was a gift from a man that had purchased it abroad. That was, like so many others, many years ago in 1970. Y is probably my longest continuing run with any product ever! When Yves pulled this fragrance from being sold in the US, I had friends purchase it for me when they went to Europe. Nothing compares to this soft scent and I'm amazed at how many people compliment me on this fragrance- still!
Written by MLC on March 21, 2014
I have worn this beautiful perfume for 30 years and was incredibly happy to discover it at frangrancenet as it has been really hard to find for many years. My friends always recognise it when I wear it and I always get compliments as it is not over powering. I would recommend it to anyone who loves a light floral fragrance that is a little different.
Written by Jackie, Adelaide Australia on March 13, 2014