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Ab Spirit Millionaire is a unique men's cologne by Lomani that is sure to leave you smelling great and feeling energized. Notes of pink pepper, jasmine, black currant, rose, and lily combined with other middle and base notes provide an exciting mix that will thrill the noses of those who surround you. Introduced in 2010, this fragrance is sure to be perfect in any casual situation, whether you are headed to a date or business meeting.

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Customer Reviews

This cologne is under rated, i haven , chanel blue, one million intense, prada, and i get more compliments when wear this one , and it last atleast 6 Hr on my skin

Written by Anonymous on January 23, 2014

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This product smells really great when first applied but doesn't even last an hour unless I spray it on my clothes as well. Even then it's gone in less than 2 hours.

Written by Bill on June 14, 2013

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I smelled this fragrance @ a mall in Vegas. Wow! Smelled different! I never heard of Lomani. Millionaire ... Smells great ...! Very different! I'm a fan of AB Spirit now!...

Written by Lloyd Mac on November 27, 2012

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i recommend to buy this perfume it smells good.

Written by Olivier Mirot on September 19, 2012

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smells very different , i have alot of colognes about 20 to be exact they are all brand names ,,, armani ,D&G , gucci well u get the pic yesterday i went to the mall asked the guy to let me smell the million cologne and he said he didnt have a tester bottle for that instead he had me smell this one and wow it smells reallyy different in a good way. this is the first time ever that i bought a none brand name cologne and there is a reason for it just to note that i bought a bottle and so did my friend that was was with me yes its that good

Written by mike on September 03, 2012

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