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Customer Reviews

I bought this at a duty free shop at the airport and after smelling it,I was hooked!! Don't mind the strange title,just try some yourself. Guys will love it.

Written by Laura on March 31, 2010

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7:15am in Bali- I took a chance and decided to try this fragrance since Kenzo is usually good-I love it now-a little spicy, woodsy, and on ME, is has a slight sea-breezy after-scent, which my hubby loves.

Written by Chris on February 19, 2010

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I bought this at a duty free shop in Barbados last year and I was pleasantly surprised by the scent itself. It's not overpowering like flower or amour at all,just warm & soft smelling. Think of vanilla ice cream at the amusement park. Kenzo really makes some great products.

Written by Laura on February 19, 2010

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Man,my sister had a big laugh off at this one! She sampled this scent at a duty free shop in the airport and this old lady from behind asked her what she was wearing. She told her,7:15am in Bali & the stunned look on her face was priceless!! "No,no I meant your perfume,not the time & we're not in Bali," she replied. The cashier explained to her that it was the name of the fragrance and she showed it to her,to which she replied,"Lordy,what will they come up with next,tick tock?" & left the shop confused. LOL. Strange name for a lovely fragrance isn't it?

Written by Perfume princess on January 15, 2010

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I'm really loving this scent,so soft,clean and ultra feminine I use it for both work and special events. For an oddly named fragrance,I'd most definitely recommend this one.

Written by Laura on December 30, 2009

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