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Customer Reviews
"Slate" by Banana Republic is the best cologne I've ever bought for my husband. He tells me he gets asked all the time what cologne he's wearing. I love it because it has this nice, soft scent that reminds me of Christmas trees! It's getting hard to find for some reason. When I do find it I'm going to have to buy two!
Written by Angelofmcy on March 02, 2013
Slate by Banana Republic is the best cologne I've ever bought for my husband. He tells me he gets asked all the time what cologne he's wearing. I love it because it has this nice soft scent that reminds me of Christmas trees! It's getting hard to find for some reason.
Written by Angelofmcy on March 02, 2013
Slate was given as a gift to me about 6 years ago, it has to be the one of the all time best gifts I ever got. It's the only cologne I wear and I get compliments ALL the time. I've had people say that they're not cologne type people, but after smelling slate, they're hooked. Women LOVE this stuff, seriously! GREATEST COLOGNE EVER!
Written by Phil on August 19, 2011
It is a very calm scent, not strong at all. You could wear this and not have to worry about it being too loud or bothering co-workers that you are in close contact with. But if you are looking for something that is strong and will project, then you may want to look for something stronger. I myself am a big fan of Angel Men and have been wearing it for 10 years. I love it. Banana Republic is a great scent and I also plan on ordering BR Black Walnut also.
Written by rollltide on April 12, 2010