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Customer Reviews
My hair is long, curly and medium fine. I use a regular conditioner to remove tangles, then Abba Gentle Conditioner which is leave-in. It goes directly on combed, towel-dried hair that is allowed to air-dry. It does a great job of defining curls and reducing fizz. It also leaves hair soft rather than stiff and sticky which often occurs with frizz controlling products. Great product!
Written by Anonymous on April 17, 2014
ABBA Pure Moisture Conditioner-- Goes great when paired with Pure Moisture Shampoo. It actually brings life to my fine, sometimes frizzy hair. It has a wonderful peppermint smell.
Written by Anonymous on December 01, 2013
ABBA Pure Moisture Shampoo. Wonderful shampoo for colored or dry hair. The peppermint smell is sweet, but not overwhelming. My hair is fine and it grows really slowly but since I have started using Abba (at the recommendation of my hair stylist), it has grown faster and is a lot more healthy! She is no longer able to order it in so I was elated when I discovered Fragrance Net sells it online. Thanks Fragrance Net.
Written by Anonymous on December 01, 2013