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Customer Reviews
For Le Chevrefeuille
This is a very good and pure version of honeysuckle. Very fresh, crisp and cool, great for those high humidity days when your hair sticks to your skin. Unlike most chevrefeuille's, it captures that slightly sharp greeness but omits the intense nectary sweetness - which I like and miss, so I usually mix it with Diorissimo to complete the picture. Not much staying power, this one is barely perceptible after a few hours so bring it with you and reapply often. Love it, but rarely. Hard to find.
Written by Judy B. on April 28, 2009
This is one of the lovliest in the Annick Goutal line. It is fresh and vibrant, like a spring or summer morning. In a way, it evokes some of the same feeling that Eau de Ciel does, without quite the level of sweetness. I like to wear Chevrefeuille best in the spring and summer, because it makes me long too much for summer light if I wear it in other months.
Written by oneearth on October 31, 2006