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With its notes of leaves, fig woods, white oleander, bergamot, and orange blossom, Un Jardin en Mediterranee by Hermes is the right perfume for the woman who likes to be at her best during the daytime. Since 2003, this fragrance has given women a scent that can complement their favorite afternoon outfit. No matter where you choose to wear it, Un Jardin en Mediterranee will turn heads and bring you the attention you rightfully deserve.

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Customer Reviews

Un Jardin in Mediterranee has a very delicate and staying power perfume , I spray it on in the morning before work and friend wanted to smell it at the end of the workday and it smelled like I just put it on she liked it so much that I gave it to her and I am buying a second for me!!! Ps it was my first time buying Hermes

Written by Stayingpower in California on July 23, 2016

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Un Jardin En Mediterranee is hands down my favorite scent. It's light citrus scent of orange blossoms and crisp freshness greets anyone who hugs you or gets close in such a way they say, "You smell beautiful." The best compliment is one that "you" are perceived as the beautiful smell, not the perfume. Expect to be flattered when you were this perfume. It's great for all occasions, as it is just classy. Subtle but alluring. Light but fresh and elegant. Mmmm, it's wonderful.

Written by DawnBreaking on December 26, 2013

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Hermes Un Jardin Mediteranee - for me, this is more of an autumn/spring scent where there the air is cooler & breezy. Definitely not a 'very hot' day fragrance, because of the strong wood/musk scent, that is just my opinion. But of course, i love it especially now that autumn is upon us.

Written by Anonymous on September 19, 2013

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I can't not wait to get the Sul in this brand. I honestly think and I am being sincere that even though this perfume is expensive, it just can't be beaten. I get oompliments all the time. I also love Coco Madenmaselle sp? but this is made from all natural ingrediants and is more than fabulous. I am hooked for life. I was able to get it from FraganceNet for a much better price. I am really so picky about perfumes and have searched long and hard. You will never be dissapointed it you try this. I can't say enough good things about it

Written by Nancy on April 15, 2013

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love it

Written by Magdalena on December 28, 2012

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