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For women who want to make an impression that lasts, Tresor perfume by Lancome is the fragrance that sets the right tone. This casual but flowery scent, introduced by Lancome in 1990, has a moderate, fruity bouquet that works wonderfully in any situation you find yourself in. It mixes a careful balance of apricot and lilac with lower notes of musk and amber. For the woman who wants to stand out in a crowd, Tresor perfume is the perfect complement.

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Customer Reviews

My husband gave me this wonderful gift for my birthday

Written by Ruby fisher on June 15, 2024

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Been wearing it for 20 yrs love it.

Written by Anonymous on March 11, 2018

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I've tried other perfumes but nothing smells as good on me as Tresor .. I get asked all the time what it is I'm wearing. This will always be my 'Signature Scent'!

Written by Corri from Kamloops BC on November 15, 2017

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Tresor is my favorite of all time. I wore Shalimar for years, but one day a lady walked past me in the grocery store and she smelled so good I followed her! Turns out she was wearing Tresor, I switched that very day and have never regretted my decision. I get compliments on the fragrance almost every time I go out. It's wonderful & elegant.

Written by Cindy from Phoenix on May 24, 2017

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Im 84 and have used Tresor when I could find it and afford it. I miss wearing it always got compliments.

Written by Anonymous on December 16, 2016

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