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Swiss Army Altitude men's cologne by Swiss Army is a fragrance that is undoubtedly meant for the man's man. Introduced in 2001, this fresh, woodsy scent has been making woman swoon for over a decade. Designed for daytime wear, Swiss Army Altitude is the perfect cologne to wear at the office or on an outdoor adventure with that special someone. This inviting and alluring masculine fragrance is sure to find a prominent place on your shelf.

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Customer Reviews

My husband loves this stuff! I always by him the 3.4 bottle and it last him all year and he wears it everyday! He used to go back and forth between 4 to 5 different scents but for 3 years he has only used this and will continue to! Highly recommend it!

Written by Anonymous on February 05, 2013

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Have ordered a couple of times will order many more. Great Swiss army altitude set.

Written by Anonymous on January 08, 2013

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Smells as if it could be a "Fresh" version of JV Vintage. Fresh soapy/woody-spruce scent.

Written by LEO THE LION on May 23, 2010

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I orded Swiss Army Altitude for my husband as a gift and he adors this fragrance

Written by Barbara on January 12, 2010

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Swiss Army Altitude As a woman who is very sensitive to scents, this scent is so perfect and light. It smells incredible on my handsome boyfriend. I love it!!! I would recommend it highly to anyone looking for a sensually subtle scent.

Written by Poof1 on November 07, 2009

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