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With a name like Safari, you know this cologne for men from style icon Ralph Lauren will radiate a sense of adventure, intrigue, and pursuit. First introduced by Ralph Lauren in 1992, this woodsy fragrance has a subtle blend of citrus and eucalyptus with leather and woodsy notes. It's very manly and rich, yet it's subtle enough to wear to a variety of casual occasions. For the active man on the go, Safari is an excellent choice.

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Customer Reviews

Wish you would not run out so often. Best perfume in the world.

Written by KMP on December 10, 2024

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Safari, Love; Love this perfume. Had a hard time finding it. This fragrance will stay with you all day are night. One of my favorites.

Written by Flordia16 on August 01, 2016

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I have been wearing Safari for many years. My daughter first bought it and I tried it and loved it. Like other women I had lots of compliments on this from men where I worked. I have to tell you the best compliment I had. My husband and I were at a restaurant and there were 2 older men (probably about 73) sitting at a table just across from us and as they were leaving the one gentleman bent over to me in a soft voice and said "What kind of perfume are you wearing? I told him, he said that is the best smelling perfume I have ever smelled. He said I hope your husband does not get mad at me and my husband told him that was ok. That was the best compliment I ever received.

Written by B on August 25, 2014

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Safari a great fragrance to wear around people I am always complimented when I wear it

Written by Humphrey Williams on July 11, 2014

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Safari Lauren is the BEST!!! My favorite fragrance of all time. It became my signature choice in 1990 and I am so glad to once again be able to purchase it. I have horded my last bottle since Feb. 2012. Please don't ever discontinue it.

Written by Nina W. on June 09, 2014

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